Plaintiffs Litigation Blog: J. Scott Stanley
- All
- Accident and Negligence Claims (36)
- Accident Benefits (3)
- Back, Neck and Spinal Cord Injuries (9)
- Bike / Cycling Accidents (1)
- Brain and Head Injuries (11)
- Burn Injuries (1)
- Car Accidents (9)
- Cartiva SCI (1)
- Chronic Pain (5)
- Civil Sexual Assault Claims (4)
- Class Actions (9)
- Cleroux (1)
- Client Resources (9)
- Commercial Host Liability (1)
- Community Involvement (26)
- Conferences (7)
- Counsel Notes (48)
- Critical Illness Insurance (1)
- Denied Claims (4)
- Disability Insurance (2)
- Dog Bites (2)
- Fibromyalgia (1)
- Fire Loss (3)
- Firm News (6)
- Flood and Theft Claims (1)
- Government Claims (2)
- Homeowners Insurance (3)
- ICBC Part 7 Benefits (2)
- Injured Passengers (3)
- Injury Claims (15)
- Insurance Broker Negligence (2)
- Insurance Disputes (7)
- Legislative Developments (2)
- Medical Malpractice (6)
- Motor Vehicle Accidents - ICBC Injury Claims (7)
- Motorcycle Accidents (1)
- Murphy Battista (4)
- Negligence (3)
- Pedestrian Injuries (2)
- Recreational and Sports Injuries (5)
- Rehabilitation (3)
- Residential and Business Loss Insurance Claims (2)
- School Accidents (1)
- Sexual Abuse (2)
- Sexual Abuse and Misconduct (1)
- Slip and Fall Injuries (1)
- Social Host Liability (1)
- Social Host Liability (3)
- Soft Tissue Injuries (1)
- Sponsorships (15)
- Travel Insurance (1)
- Truck and Commercial Vehicle Accidents (1)
- All
- Annual Sponsorships (1)
- BC Laws (1)
- British Columbia (1)
- Civil Claims (1)
- Co-op Housing (1)
- Co-op Membership (1)
- Co-ops (1)
- Cycle for Sight (2)
- disability travel (1)
- fighting blindness canada (2)
- Golf for Julia (1)
- Halloween (2)
- Housing Cooperatives (1)
- Limitation Act (1)
- Murphy Battista LLP (2)
- para-badminton (1)
- Risk Assessment (1)
- SCI (1)
- SCI BC (1)
- Social Outreach (2)
- Spinal cord injury (2)
- Teen (1)
- traveling with medication (1)
- Vancouver Sun Run (1)
- wheelchair sports (1)
- All
- Alex Sayn-Wittgenstein (2)
- Andrew Brine (2)
- Angela Bespflug (0)
- Bill Dick (4)
- Brandon Souza (3)
- Caitlin Ohama-Darcus (1)
- Irina Kordic (2)
- J. Scott Stanley (12)
- Janelle O’Connor (6)
- Jeffrey J. Nieuwenburg (3)
- Joe Battista (0)
- Joe Murphy (5)
- Keri Grenier (0)
- Kevin Gourlay (47)
- Kevin Hyde (1)
- Kristina Shelden, Resource Coordinator, PIRC (8)
- Kyle Gieni, Resource Coordinator, PIRC (5)
- Matthew Van Nostrand (1)
- Mike Murphy (0)
- Olivia Berumen (0)
- Paul Bosco (4)
- Sean Lynn, Resource Coordinator, PIRC (0)
- Sherman Lam, Resource Coordinator, PIRC (0)
- Tara Chandler (0)
- Valerie Taylor (0)
- Veronica Medved (0)
- Murphy Battista (40)
Accident and Negligence Claims (36)
Back, Neck and Spinal Cord Injuries (9)
Civil Sexual Assault Claims (4)
Critical Illness Insurance (1)
Insurance Broker Negligence (2)
Motor Vehicle Accidents - ICBC Injury Claims (7)
Recreational and Sports Injuries (5)
Residential and Business Loss Insurance Claims (2)
- All
- Annual Sponsorships (1)
- BC Laws (1)
- British Columbia (1)
- Civil Claims (1)
- Co-op Housing (1)
- Co-op Membership (1)
- Co-ops (1)
- Cycle for Sight (2)
- disability travel (1)
- fighting blindness canada (2)
- Golf for Julia (1)
- Halloween (2)
- Housing Cooperatives (1)
- Limitation Act (1)
- Murphy Battista LLP (2)
- para-badminton (1)
- Risk Assessment (1)
- SCI (1)
- SCI BC (1)
- Social Outreach (2)
- Spinal cord injury (2)
- Teen (1)
- traveling with medication (1)
- Vancouver Sun Run (1)
- wheelchair sports (1)
- All
- Alex Sayn-Wittgenstein (2)
- Andrew Brine (2)
- Angela Bespflug (0)
- Bill Dick (4)
- Brandon Souza (3)
- Caitlin Ohama-Darcus (1)
- Irina Kordic (2)
- J. Scott Stanley (12)
- Janelle O’Connor (6)
- Jeffrey J. Nieuwenburg (3)
- Joe Battista (0)
- Joe Murphy (5)
- Keri Grenier (0)
- Kevin Gourlay (47)
- Kevin Hyde (1)
- Kristina Shelden, Resource Coordinator, PIRC (8)
- Kyle Gieni, Resource Coordinator, PIRC (5)
- Matthew Van Nostrand (1)
- Mike Murphy (0)
- Olivia Berumen (0)
- Paul Bosco (4)
- Sean Lynn, Resource Coordinator, PIRC (0)
- Sherman Lam, Resource Coordinator, PIRC (0)
- Tara Chandler (0)
- Valerie Taylor (0)
- Veronica Medved (0)
March 3, 2023
Travel Insurance: What to Know Before You Go
March Break is on the horizon. If you are thinking about travelling abroad, it may be helpful to consider what insurance you need. When you purchase travel insurance, you expect to be covered. Unfortunately, when it comes to travel insurance, disputes, errors, and misunderstandings over what is and is not…
Continue ReadingMarch 30, 2021
Doctors do make mistakes. Whether that amounts to medical malpractice depends on the facts.

I have represented clients in medical malpractice cases for 25 years. During that time, I have made some interesting observations. As Canadians, we are fortunate to have many excellent and dedicated doctors to care for us. Medicine is very complex. It is expected that a doctor’s first thoughts about a…
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Medical MalpracticeMarch 10, 2021
Disability claim denied? Consult a lawyer before you walk away.

I have seen insurance companies do many terrible things to people over my 25 years as a lawyer. The cruellest thing I have seen is when a disability insurer wrongly denies a claim. It is absolutely heart-wrenching to learn that a hard-working person has paid their premiums only to have…
Continue ReadingMay 19, 2020
Claims against the Ministry of Children and Family Development

In 2019, the Spotlight: Child Welfare collaborative journalism project published a report revealing that the B.C. Ministry of Children and Family Development (MCFD) was failing to meet the basic requirements for children in their care. The MCFD looks after about 6,500 children. In about 40% of these cases, the MCFD…
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Government ClaimsJune 23, 2015
What you Should Know about Litigation Financing
The process of litigating a personal injury claim can be an incredibly stressful experience. The physical consequences of an accident can disrupt your social life, create conflict with your work and family responsibilities, and can have a dramatic effect on your mood. Further, to attempt to litigate a personal injury claim…
Continue ReadingJune 18, 2015
Complex Home Insurance Policies Aren’t Good For Anyone
The CBC recently contacted me to comment on a story that perfectly represents the growing problem of insurers hiding behind complex policies. The story is covered in full at the CBC Website. However, in brief it concerns a couple, Michael and Diane Uniac, who for the past 19 years have…
Continue ReadingApril 7, 2015
Mild Traumatic Brain Injury and Personality Changes
Recently our firm was involved in a case that has received a fair amount of publicity, most notably from The Province and ABC News. Our client had suffered a mild traumatic brain injury as a result of a car accident that occurred while she was still in high school. As…
Continue ReadingNovember 20, 2014
Million Dollar Baby: Travel Insurance Gone Wrong
I was recently approached to comment on a story that has captivated online audiences. The story is fairly simple. Jennifer Huculak and her husband left for a Hawaiian vacation in October of 2013. At the time, Jennifer was 24 weeks pregnant. Planning ahead, the couple purchased travel insurance for…
Continue ReadingSeptember 29, 2014
Proud to support continuing professional development events for audiologists and speech-language pathologists
On October 24-25, 2014 the BC Association of Speech-Language Pathologists and Audiologists (BCASLPA) is holding their annual conference here in Vancouver. The conference provides a venue for audiologists and speech-language pathologists to learn from leading practitioners and researchers in the field present on current topics of interest to members. This…
Continue ReadingSeptember 23, 2014
Spinal Cord Injury Awareness: Getting Your Life Back
You may have noticed a flurry of news stories on spinal cord injuries recently. Highlighting the exciting rehabilitation possibilities of exoskeletons and providing up-to-date statistics and information on spinal cord injuries are part of Spinal Cord Injury Awareness month in the US. However, if you or a family member have…
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