The Law Show – January 20: Personal Injury Cases, Mental Health, and the Minor Injury Claim Cap

Joe Murphy, Q.C., joined Jim Gordon for the January 20th episode of the Law Show. In this episode, they discussed the various kinds of personal injury cases the firm handles beyond motor vehicle accidents such as dental and medical malpractice files as well as slip and fall injuries. Joe clarified Murphy Battista’s role as a personal injury law firm, which includes assessing the nature of a claim, collecting evidence necessary to prove a client’s right to damages and the value of fair compensation. Murphy Battista also deals with a client’s insurance company and works with the adjuster assigned to a client’s file to manage medical expenses, allowing clients to focus on recovering from their injuries.

Joe and Jim also addressed the stigma surrounding mental health issues, and how the effects of brain injury are not always known immediately after an accident. Joe then reviewed the legislative changes coming into force April 1st that will affect minor injury claims. The changes currently include a cap on mental health and concussion claims, depending on the severity of the injuries. Particularly, Joe discussed the complexity surrounding the legislation and provided insight into how BC courts decide the impact of mental health issues in personal injury cases.

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