Our Litigation Team

Murphy Battista LLP enjoys an outstanding reputation for success and integrity throughout British Columbia and Western Canada. We have offices in Vancouver, Surrey, Kelowna and Vernon. To learn more about our practice, contact us for a free consultation. To learn more about each of our lawyers, see the profiles below.

Joe Battista, K.C.

Angela Bespflug

Paul J. Bosco

Andrew D. Brine

Daryl J. Brown

John M. Cameron

Tara Chandler

Bill Dick, K.C.

Elizabeth A. Emery

Albany Fitzgerald

Stephen Gibson

Kevin Gourlay

Keri Grenier

Tess Guay

Kevin Hyde

Irina Kordic

Paige Marvel

Joe Murphy, K.C.

Mike Murphy

Jeffrey J. Nieuwenburg

Janelle O’Connor

Derek M. Palaschuk

Alex Sayn-Wittgenstein

Brandon Souza

J. Scott Stanley

Matthew W. Van Nostrand

Contact us for a free consultation

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