Kelowna Litigation Lawyers

Murphy Battista LLP is a litigation law firm with a long-standing reputation for taking on difficult cases for people who have been injured, sexually or physically abused, or financially harmed. While a favourable settlement is often the result, our careful preparation and willingness to go to trial is how excellent results are obtained.

We are one of B.C.’s oldest and most respected law firms, having acted only for plaintiff’s for over 40 years. This includes extensive experience advocating for those injured as a result of inadequate medical, dental, or other forms of health care.

Our firm also has a robust class action team with experience successfully challenging governments and corporations to secure justice for class members.

Our work is characterized by attention to detail and meticulous preparation in every case. Our trial success is well-documented and sets us apart. We’ve always been litigation-focused, and we will not hesitate to take cases to trial if that is the best way to meet our clients’ needs.


Bill Dick, K.C.

Phone: 250-549-1999

Email: [email protected]

Keri Grenier

Phone: 250-979-7230

Email: [email protected]

Joe Murphy, K.C.

Phone: 604-683-9621

Email: [email protected]

J. Scott Stanley

Phone: 604-683-9621

Email: [email protected]

Murphy Battista LLP would like to respectfully acknowledge that our Kelowna office stands and operates on the unceded territory of the Nlaka'pamux and Syilx (Okanagan) Peoples.

Contact us for a free consultation

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Or call us at: 1-888-683-9621