MCFD Class Action
Stubbington v. HMTK (MCFD)
Current Status
The Notice of Civil Claim, initiating this proposed class action, was filed in the Supreme Court of British Columbia on December 12, 2022.
Read the Notice of Civil Claim in Stubbington v HMTK (MCFD).
Please continue to check back here for updates.
What is this claim about?
Murphy Battista LLP has filed a proposed class action against the Ministry of Children and Family Development (“MCFD”) concerning a failure to provide foster children with basic rights that they were entitled to while they were in care.
This proposed class action alleges that children in the care of the MCFD had the right to be fed, clothed and nurtured according to community standards (“Basic Rights of Childhood”) and that the MCFD failed to provide the Basic Rights of Childhood to generations of children who were in the care of the MCFD.
As a result of this alleged failure, children in care were exposed to physical abuse, sexual abuse, emotional abuse, neglect, exposure to drug use, exposure to criminal activity, given inadequate food/nourishment, given inadequate medical and other treatments and given inadequate support from to complete a Grade 12 education (“Adverse Childhood Events”).
Who does the class action affect?
You are a class member in this proposed class action if you were in the care of the MCFD after August 1, 1974 and experienced harm as the result of being exposed to Adverse Child Events while the in the care of the MCFD (“Class Members”).
Who are the lawyers?
This class action is being pursued by a team of lawyers at Murphy Battista LLP, led by J. Scott Stanley and Irina Kordic.
What should I do if I have been impacted?
Please contact us by submitting the form below. A member of the legal team handling this action will contact you and you will be added to our database and kept apprised of developments.
If you have questions or would like to be included in our database of class members, please email us at [email protected].
In the News
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novembre 2, 2023
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Continue ReadingFormulaire
MCFD Class Action Form
Potential Class Member Questionnaire