
I am a “plaintiff’s only” personal injury lawyer. That means I only act for people who have been injured and never for insurance companies.

My interest in personal injury law started in first-year law school with my torts class. In torts, we studied the diverse range of wrongful acts and injuries that can lead to physical, emotional, or financial losses and how those losses are compensated. That summer I worked for a one-man personal injury law firm and saw for myself what a positive difference a skilled lawyer can make to the quality of injured person’s life – I was hooked.

What you can Expect from me

I understand that when you’ve been injured, you are not happy, and for good reasons. You are in pain; you’ve been going through a difficult time physically, emotionally, and probably financially. Also, you have likely been dealing with an insurance company and a system and process that is unfamiliar all on your own. You may be anxious about your future and looking for answers.

My approach is very hands on. Communication is the key to a good lawyer-client relationship. I start by developing a good rapport with you so that you understand that you are not alone and that you have an advocate who is going to protect you. A big part of my job is to look at your circumstances and figure out where they might have taken you if your injury hadn’t derailed your life. I will do what is necessary to help you feel comfortable sharing your fears, concerns, and hopes with me. I’m keenly aware that you are looking for advice and answers and my job is to deliver that in a calm and careful manner being sensitive to whatever your issues and circumstances may be.

I’m dedicated to my craft, and I’m not going to be pushed around by insurance companies.

I’m here to find the best resolution for you based on your specific needs. That could be through a settlement, some sort of mediation, or negotiations or it could be a trial. While I appreciate the value in alternative dispute resolution, I’m also a trail lawyer by training and experience, and I’m fully prepared to see my cases through to the end if they need to be taken to court to get you a just result.

Trial Experience

I have represented clients at all levels of court in British Columbia, and since my call to the bar in 2007, I have been counsel on 11 trials, including a five-week trial before judge and jury.

I have handled a diverse range of personal injury cases and quite a number of brain injury cases involving British Columbians and visitors to BC. My case experience also includes representing clients injured in complicated recreational and adventure sports accidents where the victims were seriously injured, and insurers were relying on liability waivers.


  • Dalhousie University, LLB, 2006
  • McGill University, BA (with distinction), 2002

Professional Associations

  • Law Society of British Columbia, Member | 2007 – present
  • Trial Lawyers Association of British Columbia, Member | 2007 – present
    • Currently serving on the Board of Governors (2015 – present)
    • Committee member for the Women Lawyers Retreat (2015 – present)


  • French



Disclaimer: The outcome of every legal proceeding will vary according to the facts and unique circumstances in each individual case. References to successful case results where the lawyers at Murphy Battista LLP have acted for clients are not necessarily a guarantee or indicative of future results.

Scott Stanley and Tara Chandler represented the Plaintiff who sustained a complex leg facture in a car accident that resulted in chronic pain and disability that prevented him from returning to his former job and most other forms of employment. The case was heard by Judge and Jury and the Jury awarded the Plaintiff $4,457,839 in damages.

Read the full case summary Here.

J. Scott Stanley and Tara Chandler represented the Plaintiff who sustained a spinal cord injury when she was struck by a recreation vehicle on private land.  The defendant denied liability, claimed the Plaintiff and/or her spouse were at fault. The trial judge found the defendant 100% liable and assessed damages at $5,369,670 with liberty to make submissions on further heads of damages including adaptive housing, which was an item that was to be awarded to the Plaintiff.


Veroncia Medved and Tara Chandler acted for a Plaintiff who was only 23 years old at the time of the collision. After T-boning the Defendant (who was found 100% responsible for the collision), the Plaintiff developed a traumatic lesion on her spine and chronic pain condition which disabled her from gainful employment. The Court awarded damages in the amount of $1,885,000, including $185,000 for pain and suffering and $1,297,146 in future income loss. Although her working history was short, the Court accepted that as a single mom, the Plaintiff was very attached to the workforce and would have worked on a full-time basis to the age of 70 without voluntary withdrawal.



I had such a great experience working with Tara Chandler! I was fortunate to have her on my side during my claim with ICBC. Initially I had little knowledge of how to navigate through a motor vehicle claim. Tara was amazing at providing clear information and making sure I was supported at every step during my recovery. I will be recommending Tara to all of my friends and family!

Jacqueline Brown

Tara Chandler represented me in a lawsuit after a devastating hit and run car accident. After months of suffering and doctor’s visits I am very appreciative that Tara and her team were able to help me get compensation for my injury. I feel like they genuinely care about how the car accident impacted on my life. They are always fast to reply to any emails and are always a quick phone call away to help with any concerns. I would highly recommend them to anyone that has been involved in a car accident as they will treat you with care and compassion. Murphy Battista LLP are by far the best company to get in touch with if you need help.

I’m here to find the best resolution for you based on your specific needs. That could be through a settlement, some sort of mediation, or negotiations or it could be a trial. While I appreciate the value in alternative dispute resolution, I’m also a trail lawyer by training and experience, and I’m fully prepared to see my cases through to the end if they need to be taken to court to get you a just result.

Tara Chandler

Contact us for a free consultation

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