décembre 21, 2021

Stu Widdowson was severely injured 10 years ago when he was hit by a drunk driver while walking home. He’s still dealing with the impact of those injuries. Stu’s story is a timely reminder to all of us that our choices can have severe consequences for the lives of others. Thank you Stu for taking the time to share your recovery journey.

As the article notes:

Over the past 10 years more than 20 per cent of fatal crashes have been caused by drivers who were impaired by alcohol, drugs or medication. On average, 65 people are killed each year in collisions where alcohol or drugs are a factor, while thousands of others are injured.

We urge everyone not to drive impaired this holiday season (or any season).

Read the full article here: 10 years after he was struck by a drunk driver, this Coquitlam man is still recovering

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