Roger Sangra

Roger Sangra5When my father suffered life threatening injuries which were some of the most severe and traumatic types of injuries a human being could suffer, I called upon Murphy Battista to handle my families case during these traumatic times. Mr. Alex Sayn-Wittgenstein not only acted on behalf of my family handling the ICBC side of things, he also became my friend and treated my mother with a lot of respect and comfort which goes to show the character of this man. Alex, alongside fellow lawyer Paul J Bosco, helped my family receive the correct compensation that i felt was “right” and “just” given the devastating injuries my father suffered. When ICBC tried to downplay the situation and place a monetary value on my fathers life that was not even close to what he needed to survive moving forward, Murphy Battista handled the situation swiftly and dilligently correcting ICBC’s flawed view; and in doing so went to trial and won. The one thing i learned through this whole process is that even though the money during a devastating and traumatic time does matter, Its more about the comfort that is received and knowing that their is winner fighting for you in your corner when your up against the ropes so to speak. A human life is a sacred thing and comes but once because life is short. Therefore, the money families receive for injuries when things like the cost of care in the moment and in the future are on the table make all the difference for your loved one because they add up when elements like physiotherapy, message, and brain and speech therapy are needed like my father needed and still needs to this day. The one lasting impression and memory my family and I will always share with Murphy Battista and specifically Alex Says-Wittgenstein and Paul J Bosco is that these individuals took the time and effort out of their busy lives and busy schedules to make sure that my mother and I felt secure and comfortable in the worst of times. They helped us see the light in a dark place, and i would not only recommend Murphy Battista to anyone and everyone but i would also recommend that if you are faced with a loved one who is fighting for their life with tubes hooked up to their neck, face and body laying in a coma in the ICU of a hospital to call Alex Sayn-Wittgenstein to fight in your corner because he’s a winner and winners always have your back in the end.