N Khatoon

N Khatoon5After my serious accident causing a brain injury, I interviewed a number of legal firms until I met Scott Stanley of Murphy Battista LLP and felt an immediate connection. He had handled numerous similar cases to mine successfully but it was his personal touch and compassion that sealed the deal. His first words to me, “Don’t worry. I’ll handle everything. Whatever I can do to help you, I will. You’re only task is to get better.” The highly-qualified, top-rated legal firm of Murphy Battista LLP has been in business for over 30 years. Located in Vancouver, it specializes in brain injuries, spinal cord injuries, motor vehicle accidents, medical malpractice; among others. The mission of their knowledgeable lawyers—dedicated, hard-working, fair-minded and sympathetic to their injured clients—is to see justice triumphantly served; and to help their clients to recover their financial and physical well-being and emotional equilibrium. My extremely competent team consisted Scott Stanley and Brandon G. Souza, a double-barreled shotgun blast of potent legal minds, probably the most skilled of their generation, ably backed up by Laurie Ruggles, Terrin Goodchild, and Derek Palaschuk. In my frail state, their positive, empathetic, hospitable and welcoming natures’ gave me hope for the future and made my husband and I feel as if we were family members. Due to Scott Stanley’s leadership, creative thinking and brilliant intuition—the sole key holder to every complex legal combination—and Brandon G. Souza’s dogged research and imaginative suggestions, any fears that I may have had were quickly allayed. Beside being able to explain the complex legal issues in layman terms, both were a caring, calming force throughout the lengthy run up to trial. In the end, my team’s unfailing support, attention to detail and Scott’s fierce negotiating skills hit a home run, a base-emptying, out-of-court settlement financially well beyond the scope of my wildest imagination—a life-altering award that will forever forge my life going forward. My heartfelt thanks to Scott Stanley and team. There are not enough words in the dictionary to properly describe the debt I owe them. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!