Maclean’s magazine covers the Brigitte Cleroux nurse imposter story and class action
April 11, 2022
The May 2022 issue of Maclean’s features an investigative piece by journalist Sarah Treleaven on Brigitte Cleroux, the woman who used fake nursing credentials to gain employment at BC Women’s Hospital & Health Centre from June 2020 to June 2021.
Read the story “The nurse imposter. Brigitte Cleroux faked her credentials and treated hundreds of patients across Canada. Why did no one stop her?”
Murphy Battista LLP is pursuing a class action against BC’s Provincial Health Services Authority on behalf of people who received treatments directly or indirectly from Cleroux during the time she worked at BC Women’s. Our firm has a long history of representing survivors of negligence in the medical and healthcare contexts. The case is being handled by a team led by our colleague Scott Stanley.
For more information: Cleroux (PHSA) class action and if you have questions please email [email protected].