INJURYwise: Expert Medical Evidence Sometimes Needed to Assess the Full Extent of an Injury and the Compensation Required.
April 21, 2016
Author: Keri Grenier
This month my INJURYwise column is devoted to expert medical evidence.
Travel for the injured is rarely a fun experience. Airports, planes, taxi cabs, and trains are not geared towards persons with a disability.
So as I sit in the Vancouver airport waiting for my flight home, I think about my personal injury clients that I send to larger centres, like Vancouver or Calgary, so they can be examined by medical experts rarely available in the Okanagan.
Why do I put my clients through the trouble of flying to places like Vancouver or Calgary to visit experts? Click here to continue reading.
INJURYwise is a monthly column on personal injury matters. For a listing of all INJURYwise articles click here.
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